On Wednesday morning Americans awakened to a new government-elect.
There is evidence that many of those that voted for that new government were ignorant of what they were voting for. They were joined by voters who are willful informed supporters of the new government.
Informed Americans know exactly what threatens to come down upon us all. The new government-elect threatens, by most definitions, to be Autocratic with Theocratic tendencies.
So I, as others with values similar to mine, oppose this new government. Our struggle is for truth, justice, kindness, understanding, and for the safety of our sisters and daughters and grand daughters. I am a pacifist. My struggle, as it finds form, will be as well.
Today I have reviewed all of the introductory documents for this Oldones Dream blog, and I found it nowhere stated that I would not write about politics—although I have rarely done so.
So stay tuned. No promises.
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If you would like to see my collection of Carolina Lowcountry memories—"Magnolia Elegy: Place In the Edisto Fork," you can view the book trailer here, and see the book page here on the publisher's website. The book is also available from Amazon, B&N, and your independent local bookseller.