Supply Chain Considerations
The publishing industry, like other businesses, is suffering from "supply chain" issues—materials shortages and job market difficulties.
There are steps you can take that might reduce your exposure to supply chain issues. If you are ordering a book, then order it direct from the publisher. If you like to support your local bookseller, and they don't have it on the shelf, then ask that they order it direct from the publisher.
In the case of my recent book, "Magnolia Elegy," if you order direct from the publisher,, you will eliminate links in the supply chain—and you might receive your book more quickly. If your bookseller orders it from Booklocker, they will receive a much better discount than through their usual channel, and might receive the book more quickly.
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If you would like to see my collection of Carolina Lowcountry memories—"Magnolia Elegy: Place In the Edisto Fork," you can view the book trailer here, and see the book page here on the publisher's website. The book is also available from Amazon, B&N, and your independent local bookseller.