I read in the December 10, 2012 issue of The New Yorker about the 5K and 10K races run in the mud at Orchard Beach, Pelham Bay Park, in the Bronx. Until that moment I did not know that the Not Since Moses Run that T and I had attended at Five Islands on the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia was part of a Merrell series. I just got around to doing the research and you guessed it, wrong again - it is not - so there you go. Although sponsored by Merrell, and although much of the format is similar (for instance many pairs of muddy running shoes are discarded to be gathered up, washed and donated to charity), the Not Since Moses Run is its own mud race.
In an inlet on the Bay of Fundy (Five Islands, Nova Scotia) on Sunday morning July 22, 2012 at 8 o'clock we were standing by a stream over 20 feet below the high tide level watching 1200 people who had each paid $50 entry fees run 5K or 10K over mud, rocks and water. The "Not Since Moses Run" has been going on now for several years and the money from the entry fees serves the community, and everyone has a lot of fun. We had never seen so many people have so much fun in the mud.
The 5K start.
The 5K leader returns.
The volunteer in red above is Karyn who is Stage Manager at the Ship's Company Theatre in Parrsboro, NS. She is an Appalachian State graduate from Charlotte, NC.
The inlet at 5 Islands Campground at low tide.
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If you would like to see my collection of Carolina Lowcountry memories—"Magnolia Elegy: Place In the Edisto Fork," you can view the book trailer here, and see the book page here on the publisher's website. The book is also available from Amazon, B&N, and your independent local bookseller.